29 March, 2008

A Proper Introduction

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , at 6:46 pm by breathingbullets

I’ll assume that this post will be edited approximately four more times. Nonetheless, just to get this started and cut the red ribbon… This is Breathing Bullets. I expect, really, a series of informed tangents. And yes, I swear, I’ll cite my god-damned sources. There will be profanity, there will probably be conspiracy theories, and then, naturally, there will be postings on the progress/developments of ideas.

What makes it important/Why the Hell should anyone read this…well, a couple of days ago, I got really upset because I had to shake off provincialism and face facts that I hadn’t been aware of. I.e. Breast cancer research gets less funding than Viagra.

I’m well aware that it takes money to move the world, but Hell, I have earned theĀ  broke college kid crown. So I’ll use what I have: the internet, my anger, and a ridiculous amount of free time.

– * – C.K.